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6-month Mastermind


Dear Mom,  

Do you ever feel suffocated by the weight of your past? Exhausted from trying to keep it all together? Frustrated, annoyed, or even angry at life's relentless challenges?

It's okay to admit it; we've all been there. But what if I told you that there's a way to break free from the cycle of suffocation and step into a life filled with peace, alignment, and joy?  

Introducing my 6-month mastermind designed specifically for moms like you – moms who are striving to provide a nurturing and healthy environment for their children despite their own messy childhoods. This isn't just another program or mastermind; it's a lifeline for those drowning in a sea of negative emotions and unhealed wounds.  

Recognize the Signs:
  • Constant thoughts racing through your mind. 
  • Chest tightening with each passing moment. 
  • Shallow breaths, as if you're barely holding on. 
  • Physical manifestations like stomach aches and headaches. 
  • Overwhelming exhaustion and a lack of motivation. 
  • Feelings of numbness or being completely overwhelmed. 
  • Moments of panic that leave you gasping for air.  

The Consequences of Inaction: 
  • Chronic stress that eats away at your wellbeing. 
  • Obesity as a result of emotional eating or neglecting self-care. 
  • Dependence on substances to numb the pain. 
  • Unfulfilled desires and visions for your life. Chronic health issues stemming from unresolved trauma. 
  • The ultimate cost: death of your dreams, your relationships, or even your spirit.

Imagine Life Differently: It doesn't have to be this way. Imagine waking up each morning with a sense of internal peace. Feeling completely aligned with your purpose and your actions. Having the tools at your disposal to prevent setbacks and course-correct when necessary. Feeling the inflammation in your body decrease, replaced by boundless energy and a zest for life. Picture yourself taking decisive action towards your goals, building healthy relationships rooted in authenticity and love. No longer relying on unhealthy coping mechanisms to soothe your soul. Instead, embracing happiness, feeling carefree, and joyful as it's your birthright.  

Join us on the Journey:  This 6-month mastermind is more than just a band-aid solution; it's a holistic approach to healing from the inside out. Through a combination of somatic support, neurological fitness, color psychology, coaching, and education, I'll guide you towards self-awareness and self-discovery. Together, we'll identify the root causes of your thoughts, behaviors, and actions, empowering you with the tools to create lasting change in your life.  

What You'll Gain:  
  • Deep self-awareness and understanding of your triggers. 
  • The ability to identify and address the root causes of your challenges. 
  • Practical tools to support you in making positive pivots in your life. 
  • Education on how childhood trauma can manifest in adulthood and affect your relationships, health, and overall wellbeing.
  • Insights into how your mindset shapes your reality and how to attract more of what you desire.  
  • Improved relationships and intentional bonding with those closest to you.
Are You Ready to Rewrite Your Story? Life is too short to be weighed down by the burdens of the past. It's time to reclaim your power, rewrite your story, and create the life you've always dreamed of – for yourself and for your children. Let me be your guide on this transformative journey towards healing, growth, and inner peace.

Enroll now ...

It's time to RISE & REGULATE like a mother.

xx - Candice

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